Lately, I’ve been thinking and researching a lot about how to maximize my chance of success in game development. And one of the best things I’ve found is setting personal goals for your game development career. Setting personal goals can be a powerful way to focus your thoughts and efforts in the direction you want to go. In this article, I would like to share my thoughts and experiences on setting personal goals for game development success.

Define What Success Means to You

The first step is to define what success means to you. This may seem obvious, but you need to know exactly what you are trying to achieve. Success will mean something different to you than it would to me. It could be financial success, critical recognition, or simply creating a game that you are proud of. Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve in game development and what success means to you personally.

I did a post specifically on defining success in game development. Be sure to check that out for more detailed options.

Set Game Development Goals

Once you know what success means to you, you need to set specific goals that help you get there. The tricky part is choosing goals that align with that definition of success.

If money is important, what amount would you consider successful? For critical recognition, what award are you looking to win?

I recommend using the SMART system of goal setting. It’s always worked well for me (though I do struggle with planning them sometimes).

Your goals must be specific to you and your situation. Don’t compare yourself to others or set goals based on what others expect of you. Your goals should be based on your definition of success and what you want to achieve in game development.

Create a Plan of Action

Once you have your goals, it’s important to create a plan of action for achieving those goals. This plan should outline the steps you need to take to reach your goals. Be sure to think about any obstacles you may encounter along the way.

Personally, I like to work backwards. Think of the task that would ultimately help you achieve your goal. Then, think about what would be needed before you can start that task. And continue that pattern until you reach the place in your game development career that you are currently at.

Make sure to stay flexible and adaptable. The game development industry is constantly changing, and unexpected challenges may come up. Being able to adjust your goals and plan of action as needed is essential to achieving success in game development.

Be Accountable

While not strictly necessary, I recommend having some level of accountability. Share your goals with someone you trust. This can be a mentor or a fellow game developer. Ask them to hold you accountable for achieving those goals. This can provide you with an additional level of motivation and support, as well as valuable feedback and advice.

You can also let people know on social media or through a blog (like me!). This can help keep accountability and motivation high. At the same time, you can also help build interest in your projects early on.

Celebrate Your Successes

Finally, celebrate your successes along the way. Achieving personal goals in game development is hard. It can be a long and challenging process, and it is important to acknowledge and celebrate your wins. Take the time to reflect on what you have achieved, and use that as motivation to continue working towards your goals.


Setting personal goals for game development is an important step in achieving success in this exciting and competitive industry. Define what success means to you. Set specific and achievable goals. Create a plan of action. Find someone to hold you accountable. And definitely be sure to celebrate those wins. With dedication, hard work, and a clear sense of purpose, you can achieve the success you desire in game development.

Do you agree with how I set my personal goals for game development? Did I miss anything? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Categories: Personal